Utilizing Creative Arts to Alleviate Holiday Season Anxiety and Stress

Utilizing Creative Arts to Alleviate Holiday Season Anxiety and Stress

 Utilizing Creative Arts to Alleviate Holiday Season Anxiety and Stress by Dawn Leonard,BSN




The holiday season, despite being joyous and festive, can often bring about a significant amount of anxiety and stress for many individuals. The pressures of gift-giving, family gatherings, and overwhelming schedules can take a toll on our mental wellbeing. However, one effective and accessible solution to combat these issues lies within the realm of creative arts. Engaging in artistic endeavors such as painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument can provide a much-needed respite from anxiety and stress, fostering a sense of calm and inner peace. In this article, we will explore the ways in which creative arts can help alleviate anxiety and stress during the holiday season.


  1. Expressive Outlet:


Engaging in creative arts offers a unique outlet for self-expression. Through painting, drawing, or writing, individuals can channel their emotions and anxieties onto a canvas or paper. This creative process allows for the release of pent-up stress, providing a sense of relief and catharsis. By externalizing their internal struggles, individuals can gain a better understanding and control over their emotions, leading to a reduction in anxiety.


  1. Mindfulness and Relaxation:


Creative arts inherently demand focus and concentration, which can induce a state of mindfulness. When fully engrossed in a creative activity, individuals can temporarily detach themselves from the concerns and worries of the holiday season. This meditative aspect of engaging in art can calm the mind, lower blood pressure, and reduce stress levels. Whether it be painting, sculpting, or playing an instrument, these activities offer a tranquil space to escape from the chaos and busyness of the holiday season.


  1. Positive Distraction:


The holiday season often brings a flurry of responsibilities, commitments, and expectations. Engaging in creative arts provides a positive distraction from these overwhelming external pressures. By immersing oneself in an artistic endeavor, individuals can shift their focus away from stressors, redirecting their energy towards something enjoyable and personally fulfilling. This diversion not only allows for a break from anxiety but also facilitates a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.


  1. Community and Connection:


Participating in creative arts can foster a sense of community and connection, which is especially crucial during the holiday season. Joining a local art class, attending a writing workshop, or collaborating with fellow musicians can create opportunities for social interaction and support. Engaging with like-minded individuals who share a passion for artistic expression can provide a sense of belonging and encouragement, further contributing to stress reduction.




The holiday season need not be synonymous with anxiety and stress. By incorporating creative arts into our lives, we can find solace and respite amidst the chaos. Whether through painting, writing, or playing an instrument, engaging in artistic endeavors offers a means of self-expression, mindfulness, positive distraction, and community connection. Let us embrace the therapeutic benefits of creative arts this holiday season, allowing them to alleviate our anxiety and stress, promoting a healthier and more enjoyable festive experience.



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